October 27, 2012

Walkin' The Line EP free download mediafire

You can now download our ep Walkin' The Line through Mediafire at this link

On bandcamp with the "name your price" opition, you can download this EP but also our side of the split with Motivation. Check it out!!


October 18, 2012

Walkin' The Line review + Download

Nuova recensione in italiano su Punk4Free, con tanto di free download dell'intero EP.

In sintesi, attitudine e testi straight edge piu' suono hardcore vecchia scuola uguale Set Me Free. Sullo straight edge, come tutti sappiamo, potremmo parlarne per secoli a venire e comunque non se ne giungerebbe a conclusione, c'e' chi e' d'accordo e chi no, e' normale; a me comunque, pur non essendo straight edge, i testi non sono dispiaciuti e li ho trovati intelligenti e cattivi quanto basta. Per il suono invece non c'e' discussione: i Set Me Free spaccano, e lo fanno con una potenza e una grinta sincere e dirette. [...]



October 8, 2012

Double review on Got A Nerve zine

Check out GOT A NERVE ZINE, our friend Marco reviewed both our releases. Read it and if you have a webzine or a fanzine write us a message ... we'll send you our works for a review!


July 30, 2012

Everything on sale!

Da oggi su bigcartel è possibile acquistare maglie, cd, cassette e vinili a prezzi più bassi. Ho anche preparato alcune offerte speciali sia per i Set Me Free che per gli Upward.

From now on bigcartel you can buy cds, t-shirts, tapes and vinyls with a lower price. I also prepared special package deals for both SMF and Upward.

t-shirt + CD + 7" = 15 euro
t-shirt + CD = 9 euro
t-shirt + 7" = 12 euro
7" + CD = 8 euro

t-shirt + tape = 10 euro
2 t-shirts + tape = 17 euro

July 28, 2012

Interview for Got A Nerve

Me and Dan did another interview for Got A Nerve, an Italian webzine/blog always updated with news, reviews and of course also interviews from all over the world.


A jaw with SET ME FREE, a touch of genuine Youth Crew HC from Milan suburbs!
Dedicated to those who state that Italian HC has now come to an end...You probably missed “Walkin’ the line”, the last album by Set me free! This old-school HC Milan-based band was born in 2009 bringing together members of other hardcore bands such as No More Fear, Product, Half My Time, just to name some... ‘cause the list would be longer!!!
Inspired by the pure old school HC spirit of Youth of Today since their beginnings, SMF have recently released this new EP with 6 angry and furious tracks: fast paced, straightforward attitude, living matters, the whole firmly anchored to the best Youth Crew style. We emailed them a bunch of questions to discover something more about their line-up, the new records, gigs...and more! Read on what they told us! [...]

July 26, 2012

Walkin' The Line review on Satan Loves Mexicans

New review of our EP Walkin' The Line on this nice blog called "Satan Loves Mexicans". You'll find also a lot of other things to download and read.. check it out!

"So I get a message on Facebook from a band to listen to their music. Lately nothing that has been submitted has caught my attention. This was definitely an exception.[...]"

July 22, 2012

Set Me Free interview on Rotten Young Earth blog

Today I made this new interview for a really cool blog called Rotten Young Earth created by a guy called Jacob, from Missouri.

RYE: First of all introduce yourself and what band you are in for people who don't already know
Gianluca: Hi, my name is Gianluca and I play in Set Me Free with my friends Dan (vocals), Gabriele (guitar) and Stizzo (drums).

Split 7" and Walkin' The Line CD - LAST COPIES LEFT

Stiamo per esaurire le copie che abbiamo in casa di entrambi i nostri Ep.
Più precisamente ci restano solo 14 CD di Walkin' The Line (dopo di che si potrà acquistare su Open Up Records), e 25 vinili dello split coi Motivation dei 60 che avevamo noi.

Se non volete perderveli sono tutti disponibili su: http://setmefreehc.bigcartel.com oppure su bandcamp oltre all'acquisto fisico è possibile comprare la versione digital album http://setmefreehc.bandcamp.com

We're going to finish the copies of both our new EPs. We left just 14 pieces of Walkin' The Line CD (after that you'll buy it on Open Up Records), and 25 copies (of the 60 we had) of the split 7" with Motivation.

If you don't wanna miss 'em, they're available on http://setmefreehc.bigcartel.com and also in Digital Album version on http://setmefreehc.bandcamp.com

July 5, 2012

Set Me Free new website

I tried to create a website for Set Me Free on Altervista. It's just a space in which are assembled some medias and links about us: a youtube playlist with live videos and recorded songs, a soundcloud plugin with Walkin' The Line teaser, and connection buttons for bigcartel, facebook, bandcamp and blogger.


June 27, 2012

UPWARD @ Fuck Shoes Fest 22/06/12 VIDEOS

Last friday we played in a wood near Trento with other bands. We had fun, the crowd was amazing like every hc show should be! Some guys made videos of the festival. Thanks again to Olly and the other people who worked for that.

this is a short trailer of Fuck Shoes Fest with some shots of Upward, Prune Belly and the other bands



June 10, 2012

"Still Proud" free download on Last.fm

Now you can download our song Still Proud from Walkin' The Line EP on SMF Last.fm page.
It's free, just click on Free MP3 (or HERE) on this page: http://www.last.fm/music/Set+Me+Free/Walkin'+The+Line/Still+Proud

June 8, 2012

Set Me Free interview on xMore Than Inkx

I made this short interview for a really nice website dedicated to straight edge music and attitude. enjoy

MTI: Hello Gianluca, would you like to start by introducing yourself and the band?

June 7, 2012

"Still Proud" @ SGA 26/05/12

another live video of Set Me Free, made by our friend Mante!


one of our new songs from Walkin' The Line.

It was the greatest idea we ever had
An alternative to self destruction and blame
Some fools felt strong and made it a rank
But don't dare to mix me with them
Because I'm still fucking proud to be straight edge

June 6, 2012

Upward and We're Right @ SGA, Arese 05/06/12

thanks to SGA crew for these nice videos!

UPWARD: Intro + Sheets of Time


June 5, 2012

May 28, 2012

Set Me Free interview on For The Kids xxx

"I Set Me Free sono già passati dalle pagine di questo blog. Mi è sembrato giusto intervistarli per conoscerli un pò meglio. Alcune domande effettivamente erano un pò bastarde ma i ragazzi hanno risposto a tono. Ah, cosa suonano i Set Me Free? Un potente old school di matrice straightedge influenzato da mostri sacri come Chain Of Strength e Mainstrike."


sorry I'm too lazy to translate it in english

May 27, 2012

"Fami-Lies" @ SGA 26/05/12

video di ieri allo SGA di Arese! Presto avremo anche delle foto


May 25, 2012


Sono ora disponibili su bigcartel le nuove magliette degli Upward. Stesso layout della precedente bianca e verde, ma stavolta con stampa rossa su maglia grigia fruit of the loom heavy cotton...spaccano!
Disponibile anche la seconda stampa del nostro EP Pushed Aside in formato cassetta.


Available now on bigcartel the new Upward T-Shirts. Same layout of the old one in white and green, but now the prints are in red on a grey Fruit of The Loom Heavy Cotton...rad!
You can also buy the second press of our EP Pushed Aside on tape.




May 21, 2012

Set Me Free 7" songs on bandcamp

I just uploaded on bandcamp the songs of Respect Me First EP, as well know as our side of the split 7" with our friends MOTIVATION

you can order from bandcamp the physical album on vinyl (5 euros) or buy the digital album for 2 euros

smf side

motivation side

May 17, 2012

Set Me Free and Upward releases now available

All the new releases by Set Me Free and Upward are now available at our shows and on Bigcartel
Set Me Free / Motivation Split 7" (2012)
Honest for Truth Records 
100 copies / green vinyl 

Upward - Pushed Aside Cassette (2012) - second press
20 copies / black tape

Set Me Free - Walkin' The Line CD (2012)
Open Up Records
200 copies / plastic jewel case

May 6, 2012

Packages ready to be shipped

Ho ricevuto pochi giorni fa anche le copertine per i nostri 7", quindi ormai è tutto pronto. Ieri ho iniziato a preparare i pacchi da spedire e già da domani alcuni saranno in partenza! Ne approfitto per ringraziare tutti quelli che hanno fatto il pre-order per i nuovi dischi, siete stati molti da ogni parte del mondo e questo ci ha fatto molto piacere. Durante questa settimana spero di riuscire a spedire tutto!

Chi invece volesse avere ad ascoltare fin da subito il nostro nuovo album Walkin' The Line, da adesso è possibile acquistare la versione digitale sul nostro bandcamp al costo di 3 euro (compreso di copertina, testi, dettagli vari).

A few days ago I got the 7" covers I was waiting, so now everything is ready to be shipped. Yesterday I started to prepare all the packages and from tomorrow I'll begin to send out some of them! I just want to thank all the guys from all the world who made the pre-orders of our new stuff ... we're really glad of this!

But if you want to get and listen by now our new ep Walkin' The Line, you can buy the digital album from our bandcamp for just 3 euros (plus cover, lyrics and general infos).


May 1, 2012

Set Me Free - Walkin' The Line OUT NOW


Set Me Free new EP is officially out now on Open Up Records.
6 new tracks from the Italian youth crew band featuring members of Product, No More Fear, The Miracle and Fumbles In Life.

buy your copy here: http://setmefreehc.bigcartel.com/ or here http://www.openuprec.tk/
available soon on digital album!


download teaser: http://soundcloud.com/set-me-free-hc/walkin-the-line-teaser

April 30, 2012

Set Me Free @ Rock Planet 27/04/12

27/04/12 Set Me Free @ Rock Planet w/ Gorilla Biscuits + 4th N Goal

April 24, 2012

Walkin' The Line EP release @ Gorilla Biscuits show

Settimana scorsa mi sono arrivati a casa anche i cd del nostro album Walkin' The Line. Abbiamo deciso di iniziare a venderlo da questo venerdì, quando suoneremo a Pinarella di Cervia di spalla ai Gorilla Biscuits ad una delle loro 4 date europee.
Per il momento siamo in possesso di 50 copie, le altre 150 le ha la nostra etichetta (Open Up Records) che inizierà la vendita online da domani (25 Aprile). Per prenotare / acquistare basta visitare il loro sito http://www.openuprec.tk/

per chi c'è, invece, ci si vede qua!

Last week I got also our new album cd Walkin' The Line, and we decided to release it from this friday, when we'll share the stage with Gorilla Biscuits in one of their four european shows.
At the moment we have just 50 copies, our label (Open Up Records) will start the selling of the other 150 from tomorrow (April 25th). To pre-order / buy a copy, just visit their website http://www.openuprec.tk/

April 15, 2012

Walkin' The Line EP - TEASER

In vista dell'uscita del nostro nuovo cd EP intitolato Walkin' The Line ho preparato un'anteprima. L'uscita ufficiale è programmata per il 25 Aprile, nel frattempo per ordinarne una copia scrivete una mail a open.up.records[at]gmail[dot]com o fate il preorder dal nostro sito http://setmefreehc.bigcartel.com

The release of our new cd EP called Walkin' The Line is really close, so I decided to upload a teaser on youtube. The official release will be probably on April 25th,but if you want to order it by now, write a mail to open.up.records[at]gmail[dot]com or complete the pre-order on http://setmefreehc.bigcartel.com



April 13, 2012

SMF pre-orders up now!

Stamattina ho finalmente reso disponibile il pre-order dei nostri dischi in uscita!
È infatti possibile da oggi poter prenotare in anteprima il nostro split 7" coi Motivation, limitato a 100 copie (di cui noi ne abbiamo 58), e il nostro nuovo CD ep contenete 6 nuove canzoni.
I prezzi di entrambi i dischi sono scontati rispetto al prezzo effettivo, quindi vi conviene prenderlo adesso! In più se volete anche una delle nostre magliette ho preparato un pacco speciale con CD, 7" e T-Shirt a 15 euro + spedizioni.
Un grazie agli amici che hanno già fatto l'ordine

This morning I opened the pre-orders for our new releases!
From today you can pick up our split 7" with Motivation, limited to 100 copies (we have just 58), and our new CD ep with 6 new tracks.
All the records are on sale, so it's better you pick 'em up now or you'll pay more later! If you want to buy also our T-Shirt, I made a special package deal with CD, 7" and Tee for 15 euros + shippings.
I already got some order ... thank you!


April 10, 2012

Promo 2011 Reissue by Stay Alert Records

La nuovissima etichetta Stay Alert Records di Buffalo, New York (fondata da un paio di membri dei Better Times) ha ristampato in formato cassetta il nostro Promo 2011.
È una buona occasione per acquistarlo, visto che costa solo 2 dollari!


The brand new label Stay Alert Records from Buffalo, New York (founded by two members of Better TImes) reissued our Promo 2011 on tape format.
Be sure to get one, just 2 bucks!

April 7, 2012

Walkin' The Line EP coming soon

Insieme al nostro split 7" con gli ungheresi Motivation, molto presto uscirà anche il nostro personale EP (con molta probabilità disponibile dal 25 Aprile) sotto l'etichetta belga Open Up Records.
Il titolo scelto è Walkin' The Line che rimanda un po' al singolo The Line che sarà il primo pezzo dell'album. Le altre 5 tracce, in ordine, saranno: Banks Unfair, Still Proud, Wonderful World, Your Internet Account, NWO.
Verranno stampati 200 CD in custodie di plastica che saranno disponibili ai nostri concerti, ma anche sul sito della Open Up http://www.openuprec.tk/. Ecco in anteprima la copertina.

per chi fosse interessato a farci una recensione mi scriva due righe.

Together with our split 7" with Motivation from Hungary, we're going to release our own new EP (probably available from April 25th) under Open Up Records (Belgium).
We choose the title "Walkin' The Line" as a reminder to our single The Line, the first track of this album. The other 5, in order, will be: Banks Unfair, Still Proud, Wonderful World, Your Internet Account, NWO.
Open Up is going to print about 200 CDs in plastic case, that will be available at our shows and of course on the label website http://www.openuprec.tk/. Up here you can see a preview of the cover.
If you have a zine and you want to write a review of Walkin' The Line, don't hesitate to contact me.

April 1, 2012

Upward @ Pushed Aside Mini-Tour photos

fuck you, we're on tour!

munchen underground

munchen underground

sleeping in Baloonfabrik, Augsburg

not enough space


warzone face

bad guys in hermsdorf

Upward + JuHa Hermsdorf crew

Honky Tonky


bad guys in Hermsdorf #2

merch guys @ baloonfabrik

group photo
Honky Tonky