December 29, 2011

"The Answer" from Promo 2011 ONLINE + digital download

Quei pochi cd Promo che avevo stampato sono finiti, un po' venduti, un po' regalati insieme alle magliette. Comunque visto che a breve (in teoria entro un mese) dovremmo essere vicini all'uscita dello split coi Motivation e anche all'uscita del nostro Ep, ho deciso di mettere disponibile il digital download del nostro promo al prezzo simbolico di 1,50 euro.
Seconda canzone di questo promo è The Answer che farà parte dello split 7" insieme ad altre 3 canzoni (intitolate Lords of Water, First e And Then The Show).

The few Promo cds I printed are sold out, a part shipped around Europe with our tees and a part sold at shows. Anyway the good news is that in less than a month we'll be really near to the official release of our split with Motivation, and also to our new Ep. So I decided to put on Bandcamp the digital download of our Promo with the symbolic price of 1.50 euros.
The second track of this promo is titled The Answer, that will be part of the split 7" with other 3 songs (intitolate Lords of Water, First e And Then The Show).

It's more than music and we're against the system
That's full of greed a corrupted government
For sure politics is the cancer of this society
They are the evil, there is no dubt
People out there just live in their own greed
Hardcore is the answer!
While we play benefit shows ‘cause we’ve good ideals
Hardcore is the answer!
We, maybe we're not as cool as we think
Are, records collections are the tax to be cool
Like, gain popularity spreading shit on true friends
Them, we're just like them
Then with no coherence we act the same way
You won't admit it but you know it's true
The scene reflects the society we refuse
That's how it goes, you know i'm right
Kids not in our crew they wear only fake shirts
Is hardcore the answer?
Gossip about who lost the edge is more important
Is hardcore the answer?
We, maybe we're not as cool as we think
Are, records collections are the tax to be cool
Like, gain popularity spreading shit on true friends
Them, a cure to our arrogance is the real answer